Providing the Tools to Adolescents & Young Adult Survivors to Thrive Beyond Cancer Through Lifestyle.
Resources, Support, and Services Tailored to Improving Quality of Life and Reducing Risk of Disease Reoccurrence Through Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep Quality, Stress Management, Mindfulness, Social Support, and Other Lifestyle Approaches.
Investing in your health as a cancer survivor is the highest form of self love
Through educational resources from the health and wellness industry’s top minds, support from the community, and health coaching, Cancer Wellness Society is the gold standard on healthy living as a cancer survivor through lifestyle design.
So What is Health Coaching?
Our coaching methods have been designed using the most up to date scientific research on behavior change techniques and lifestyle medicine. Our methods are founded in simplicity and concepts that are proven to be effective in the demographics that we work with. This means we are not reinventing the wheel, we wont overcomplicate the process, and we are not going to scale our business like a for profit coaching business would, we put quality care first.
The only way lifestyle changes happen is if the changes are based on the desired outcome of the individual. One size fit all or self guided programs are significantly less likely to create lasting positive change. We have created a system based on scientific research to create programs tailored to the client’s needs and goals.
Being resilient is the foundation of creating sustainable habits. Life doesn’t get easier we get tougher, and becoming resilient is a key component to creating sustainable health and wellness. Time is our secret weapon, and by being resilient and consistent we are able to make small sustainable improvements that will exponentially improving our odds of accomplishing our health and wellness goals.
Health and wellness is a life long pursuit, not a limited time program. This means that we need to control the narrative and perspective of health and wellness to create something we can be excited to pursue for our entire lives. This may sound impossible but it in fact is completely achievable and has been done countless times. We are here to facilitate the discovery of your love of health and wellness.
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.